The Complete Resource List for Horse Owners in Chattanooga, TN
If you have ended up on this post, you are most likely looking for horse services in Chattanooga and the surrounding areas. The equestrian community in east Tennessee and north Georgia is constantly growing and changing. Below is a resource list for horse owners in...
Roman & Kelley | Equine Portrait Session | Break ‘n Run | Ooltewah, TN
In early 2022 I was contacted regarding setting up an equine portrait session for a terminally ill horse, named Roman. Roman is a Morgan horse who was rescued from a kill pen in November 2019. He was subsequently purchased by Kelley in August 2020. These two are such...
Lily & Midnight Train | Senior Equestrian Portraits
Lily & Midnight Train | Senior Equestrian Portraits | Break 'n Run Farms | Ooltewah, TN Meet Lily & Midnight Train! I've known Lily since middle school and we had the best time photographing some senior equestrian portraits at Break 'n Run Farms in...
Do I Need Help with an Equestrian Portrait Session?
I meet in person with all my clients in advance of their equestrian portrait sessions. During that meeting, I always ask clients if they have any questions about their upcoming session. Almost without fail, I get the question, "Do I need help with an equestrian...
Getting to Know Betsy Bird of Ride the Sky Equine Photography
Equine Portrait Specialist from Chattanooga, Tennessee It's really hard to believe that the new year is already here. Good grief, the last few years have simultaneously flown and dragged by. I'm not a New Year’s resolution person, but I'm totally on board with...