6 Tips for Great Holiday Pictures of your Horse
Well, it's that time of year again! That's right, your social media feeds are about to be flooded with pictures of horses all decked out in their holiday finery. And, every time you open your mailbox you are going to see holiday cards featuring holiday-accessorized...

Common Questions about Equestrian Portrait Sessions
I thought it would be a good idea to start 2022 with a recap of some of the most common questions about equestrian portrait sessions I get asked. And, even better, and I have included links as to where you can find my answers! Common questions about Equestrian...

Blog Post Roundup for Chattanooga Horse Owners
This post is a roundup of blog posts for Chattanooga horse owners. Much of this will also apply to horse owners in the north Georgia and east Tennessee area. Blog Posts for Chattanooga Horse Owners The Ultimate Guide to Horse Photography in Chattanooga, TN The...

Common Questions about Ride the Sky Equine Photography
Below are some of the more common questions I get asked about Ride the Sky Equine Photography. What is it like to work with Ride the Sky? Working with Ride the Sky can vary depending on if you are an equine, pet, or branding client. But the common thread...

Small Business Saturday
Well, it's officially November and that means that shoppers are about to head out in full force for holiday shopping. So, it's time for my annual post about Small Business Saturday. As everyone starts revving up for the holiday shopping madness, I wanted to take a...