

Did you know you can find Ride the Sky on Pinterest? Nitro has been hard at work pinning things that he hopes will be helpful to our Ride the Sky horse and pet photography portrait clients, as well as, our commercial and fine art clients. If you are looking for ideas...
Horse Photography: Florida Cracker Cowboys

Horse Photography: Florida Cracker Cowboys

Being from Tennessee, I was unfamiliar with the Great Florida Cattle Drive and the history of the Florida Cracker Cowboys. However, I recently photographed at the Florida Agricultural Museum during a photography workshop. The workshop was happening at the same time as...
Scenic Trend: Ride the Sky Equine Photography

Scenic Trend: Ride the Sky Equine Photography

Ride the Sky Equine Photography was in the news recently when featured on Scenic Trend. Scenic Trend focuses on the creative scene, including photographers, artists, and writers, in the Chattanooga area. Click on the photo below to be taken to the feature article.  ...
How to Choose a Pet Photographer

How to Choose a Pet Photographer

Hiring a professional pet photographer is not something people do every day. Therefore, when considering it, it’s important to make sure that you are getting what you want out of the experience. There is a pet photographer for every budget, style, and...

Horse Photography Workshops Basics

  If you are an aspiring horse photographer, you have probably considered at some point in type attending horse photography workshops or tours. However, if you are new to the world of workshops and tours, you might not know the differences and what to ask the...

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